Does Green Tea Have Caffeine?
If you’re an adult, you most likely require a daily dose of caffeine to function. Let’s be honest, it’s become a part of our lives. So many things have caffeine, and we probably don’t realize how much we’re actually consuming on a daily basis.
Does green tea have caffeine? Of course! So does coffee, chocolate, black tea, energy drinks, and much more.
To help you figure out the caffeine in each product you consume and to help you make healthy and well-informed choices, we’re breaking down caffeine.

What Is Caffeine?
Caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world. It’s a crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants, and it stimulates the central nervous system.
For the most part, caffeine isn’t too bad for you when it’s consumed in moderation, but few of us are moderate. In the U.S., more than 90% of adults use caffeine regularly, and on average we consume more than 200 mg of caffeine per day—more caffeine than two 6 ounce cups of coffee or five 12 ounce cans of soda.
Caffeine can actually be found in more than 60 plants species in the leaves, seeds, or fruit. A few of the most well known are:
- Coffee beans
- Tea leaves
- Kola nuts
- Cacao beans
- Guarana
- Yerba mate
- Yoco
The Truth About Caffeine Content
Does green tea have caffeine? Yes! But how much does it have? We’ll let you on a little secret; it’s not the most caffeinated tea! So what does it really look like?
First, you have to understand that many different factors affect how much caffeine is present in tea leaves. Caffeine content can vary between growing regions, plant varietal, plant age, leaf age, length of growing season, field conditions, soil nutrients, rainfall, and more. The endless variables are a main reason why caffeine content is always offered in a range.
There’s no way to pinpoint exactly how much caffeine your tea will have. Even steep times, water temperature, and the type of brewing (loose leaf, tea bag, or strainer) can change the amount of caffeine that gets into your cup. However, we’ve compiled some general guidelines.
Coffee and Caffeine
- Brewed Coffee: 40- 180 mg per cup
- Instant Coffee: 30 – 120 mg per cup
- Decaf Coffee: 3 – 5 mg per cup
Tea and Caffeine
- White Tea: 30 – 55 mg per cup
- Green Tea: 35 – 70 mg per cup
- Oolong Tea: 50 – 75 mg per cup
- Black Tea: 60 – 90 mg per cup
Chocolate and Caffeine
- Cocoa: 4 mg per cup
- Chocolate Milk: 3 – 6 mg per ounce
- Bittersweet Chocolate: 25 mg per ounce
Soda and Caffeine
- Soda: 36 – 90 mg per 12 ounces.
Next time you’re looking for that extra jolt in the morning or the afternoon, make sure you choose your drink or snack with an eye for the best bang for your cup.