Breastfriend Herbs Tea
Breastfriend Herbs Tea
Breastfriend Herbs Tea
Breastfriend Herbs Tea
Breastfriend Herbs Tea


Breastfriend Herbs Tea

$48.00 USD Regular price
4 week program
Only 8950 items in stock!
100% Biodegradable Packaging

Traditionally my ingredients have been used to assist with:

  • Supporting mothers pre and post-natal
  • Recovering from fatigue and exhaustion
  • Replenishing fluids lost from breastfeeding
  • Increasing energy
  • Reducing swelling and inflammation 
  • Assisting bowel function
  • Aiding in sleep
  • Addressing quality of breastmilk
Post-partum support. Rejuvenation. Nourishment.

Our Breastfriend Herbs Tea was developed to support Mum pre and post partum using the power of ancient Chinese herbs. This blend was formulated by our Australian Chinese Medicine Doctors, based on Traditional Chinese Medicinal Principles.

Breastfriend Herbs Tea is a 4-week ‘health program’: to be consumed twice per day, daily. You may consume this blend ongoing, twice daily, for up to 1-year post partum.

Australian Company
Chinese Herbal Ingredients
Fast Worldwide Delivery
Keto Friendly
Vegan Friendly

Fuctus Liquidambaris—also known as Lu Lu Tong or Sweetgum Fruit—is a natural herb packed with goodness. It’s in our Breastfriend Herbs because helps to generate healing in the body, which means it can assist with sore nipples and even birthing scars. And beyond healing, it supports the production of breast milk so you can produce higher quality and more breast milk.

Chinese Angelica, also called Dong Quai or female ginseng, helps to nourish the blood. The reason this is important is because your blood is linked to your ability to produce breast milk. It also soothes aches, pains, and fatigue to help you recover faster post partum. Finally, your digestion and bowels can have difficulty after giving birth, and Chinese Angelica promotes the wellness of both.

Polished Round-Grain Rice is featured in our Breastfriend Herbs for boosting energy. Additionally, it is high in antioxidants and said to improve complexion, which can be an issue when your hormones are still out of sync from pregnancy.

Chinese Red Tea is present for blood circulation, which we already mentioned helps with milk production.

Liqcorice Root helps to harmonise all of the other herbs within this blend to create cohesion. However. it also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to help keep you and your baby healthy.

Cowherb Seed is included in Breastfriend Herbs as a powerful herb that directly assists in promoting milk secretion and blood circulation.

Our Breastfriend Herbs Tea features many ‘adaptogenic’ herbs; meaning that the body won’t become over or under stimulated by the ingredients.

The herbs aim to support Mum post-partum to regain digestive integrity and address overall fatigue/exhaustion post birth. This blend contains several ingredients to help continually replenish the body during the time of breastfeeding.

This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

You may consider our Breastfriend Herbs Tea if you’re wanting to support your body as a breastfeeding Mum post partum. Designed to assist with quality and quantity of breast milk, as well as assisting to help the body build back strength and vitality. This blend supports the vitality of Mum, whilst she supports the vitality of baby.

Consume 1 cup of Breastfriend Herbs Tea in the AM and one cup in the early PM. Best consumed 30 minutes away from food.

Breastfriend Herbs Tea may be consumed alongside any of our 'Daily Range' blends.

Black Tea, Jing Mi (rice), Lu Lu Tong (formosan gum), Gan Cao (licorice root), Dang Gui (female ginseng), Wang Bu Liu Xing (cowherb)

All of our Chinese Herbal ingredients are sourced from the Fujian Province - exactly where they are optimally grown. Each blend undergoes external testing for pesticides, heavy metals and purity - for your health and wellbeing.

Our packaging has been tailored for our environment.

The inner bag is made of biodegradable material whilst our teabags are 100% biodegradable made of corn. All remaining packaging is recyclable.

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