PCOS impacts many women around the world; for this reason we called on TCM Dr. Lauren Curtain to define PCOS from an eastern and western perspective. In this episode, Lauren outlines the varying patterns of PCOS and she also covers how many women may experience PCO, rather than PCOS. Didn’t realise there was a difference? We discuss how to determine which case you may have. Also discussed in this episode is: > the role dampness has to play in regards to PCOS> key contributing factors that may be aggravating your PCOS > how diet can impact PCOS We wrapped up the episode with a discussion on why so many women are being diagnosed with PCOS (from Lauren’s perspective) and whether or not PCOS will stay with you for life.
From a TCM perspective, there is a significant relationship between ovulation and the period; are you aware of how one influences and dictates the other? Knowing whether or not you are ovulating regularly as well as understanding the ideal time of the cycle to be ovulating, is key to fostering a healthy and regular period. We once again called on the knowledge of TCM Dr. Lauren Curtain to discuss how diet and stress (hugely) impact ovulation, as well as other topics of conversation such as the organs that govern and nourish ovulation. Learn how to best nurture your ovulation by tuning in to this episode.
Blood, cervical fluid and hormonal changes. In this episode we invite TCM Dr. Lauren Curtain to discuss the essentials for a healthy menstrual cycle, from a Chinese Medicine perspective. We dive into the four phases of the menstrual cycle and focus on how the period is considered the fifth vital sign for a female. Blood flow, colour and the amount of days bleeding are all elements you should be observing, as well as the different types of cervical fluid throughout the menstrual cycle. Exactly what should your blood and cervical fluid look like and what is happening with your hormones? Tune in to find out more..
In this episode, TCM Dr. Lauren Curtain explains the ideal situation for a healthy gut and why raw foods may be damaging to a compromised digestive system. In this episode we also cover: why you may feel more anxious or tired when consuming raw foods. why so many people perceive raw foods as “healthy”. the fact that enzymes in raw foods won’t be absorbed by your body if your gut is compromised. how food is seen as medicine from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. And .. we even touch on the ‘celery juice trend’ and how this is perceived from a TCM perspective. So, do raw foods work for you? Tune in to find out ..
This episode is the final part of the Five Elements Series. Do you often experience anger, crave sour tastes or seem prone to shouting lots? Then perhaps learning more about the wood element would be helpful. In this episode, we welcome back the expertise of TCM Dr Lee Smith to educate us on this element and what its correlation with characteristics such as those mentioned above, and its connection to the liver and gallbladder, actually means. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode and whether learning about the five elements has been helpful for you!
Water - the element correlating to fearful emotions, the kidneys, the taste of salty foods and a putrid scent. From the perspective of TCM Dr. Lee Smith, a person who experiences these characteristics may identify with the water element. Knowing the characteristics of the water element may be helpful in identifying which foods, emotions, colours and surroundings could be beneficial for your health. Lee describes a ‘water’ person as wise, reflective, flexible and one that prefers isolation.Listen to TCM Dr Lee Smith explain the water element in more depth throughout this episode.
Welcome to episode two of the Five Elements series where we welcome back TCM Dr Lee Smith to discuss the earth element. Again, we asked Lee to describe a typical “Earth” person by covering components such as the season, emotion, organs, sound and taste that are related to the earth element. Constantly overthinking, worried and concerned for others? The Earth element embodies the Mother archetype - picture someone who nurtures others and wants to provide. Have a listen to see if you think you, or someone you know, may identify with the earth element.
Together with the theory of Yin-Yang, covered in our introductory episode, the theory of the Five Elements constitutes the basis of Chinese Medicine.
For episode one of this five-part series, we invite the expertise of TCM Dr Lee Smith to explore the fire element. We start the episode by discussing the overall concept of the Five Elements, to ensure we have our foundational knowledge up to scratch, before exploring the individual elements. Lee then covers what involves the fire element such as the colour, season, organs and emotions.
To round off our series on the pathogenic factors we invite TCM Dr. Lee Smith back to discuss dryness. Although less common, this factor can manifest in ways that are uncomfortable and of a nuisance. From cracked skin and lips to a dry cough with little or no phlegm, perhaps you have experienced symptoms similar to these? Often associated with hot and humid climates, thus adding an element of damp, it can be a tricky one to move. But with the help of Lee, we discover ways in which the amount of dryness can be reduced in the body, as well as the various lifestyle factors, emotions and foods that can exacerbate it.
If you have any further questions about these pathogenic factors and symptoms you may be experiencing, touch base with us on Instagram or by sending us an email.
Capable of taking on many different forms in the body, the pathogenic factor of wind involves similar characteristics in the body to those in nature.
Think symptoms such as spasms, tremors, ticks, fungal infections and flu-like symptoms; a familiar condition related to wind is the common cold. On a more severe note, when combined with other external pathogens such as heat or cold, these disharmonies can transform to show as fever, sore throat, dry mouth and thick yellow phlegm.
It is said that an invasion of cold will be of sudden onset, leaving one with potential symptoms such as headaches, chills, aches and potentially vomiting and diarrhoea. Not pleasant to say the slightest!
In today’s episode, TCM Dr. Lee Smith delves into the pathogenic factor of cold, explaining how one may acquire, experience and then aim to reduce it.
Stress, emotions, diet and lifestyle are all contributing factors here.
Listen in to see whether your daily regime is contributing to or preventing the invasion of cold.
Following on from our previous episode on damp, this episode covers the pathogenic factor of heat.
In this episode we ask TCM Dr. Lee Smith how heat is viewed from a Chinese Medicine perspective and how one may attain it. Lee speaks of certain symptoms of heat such as dry skin, constipation, scanty urination and agitation and not only how one may acquire heat through lifestyle factors, but also how one may reduce and rectify it.
Wondering if heat may be invading you? Tune in to find out more
In Traditional Chinese Medicine there are considered to be numerous external causes of disharmony that relate to climatic conditions. They are known as the ‘pathogenic factors’.
Today’s episode is an introduction to these pathogenic factors as we discuss one that you may be all too familiar with; Damp. You may have heard us mention this factor previously, or perhaps you are hearing about it for the first time. If you’re not digesting food well and therefore experiencing symptoms such as mucus, inflammation, cellulite and brain fog - dampness may be your worst enemy. Either way, the knowledge shared by TCM Dr. Lee Smith throughout this episode is sure to be helpful in identifying whether one has damp causing disharmony in the body.
Tune in to learn more about the characteristics of damp, how one may attain it through lifestyle factors and how one may feel when affected by it.
A common statement for this topic we are about to delve into is “I never used to feel like this”. Perhaps this resonates for you and you feel as if your body never used to be the way it is now - you’re not alone!
For this episode we invited TCM Dr. Lee Smith back to the episode to explore the concept of constitutional Vs acquired weakness. Lee explains what a constitutional weakness is and in comparison, how a weakness may be acquired. Here, Lee touches on potential major events, such as pregnancy, that have the ability to change one’s constitutional weakness to an acquired. Lee also covers what elements need to be addressed when tending to an acquired weakness and how long one should spend trying to heal their weaknesses.
This episode is packed full of useful, inspiring knowledge and we are so excited to share it with you!
Welcome to the first episode of TCM honoured by Your Tea. We can’t wait to do a deep dive into all things Chinese Medicine but before we do, we thought it was important to introduce you to the modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine, comprehensively. In this episode TCM Dr. Lee Smith covers all that Chinese Medicine is, from the energy principles of Qi, Shen and Jing to the tools a TCM doctor uses to balance the body such as acupuncture, herbs and cupping.
We cover it all in this episode, providing a solid foundation to the episodes that are to follow. Ever wanted to know more about Traditional Chinese Medicine? Wisdom awaits...

Lauren Curtain
Lauren Curtain is a Women's Health focused Acupuncturist and Herbalist. She centres her clinical practice around supporting women to navigate their hormones, menstrual cycles and fertility using a combination of education (all the womens health info you didn't get in high school), acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and lifestyle support. Lauren believes every woman has the right to know how her body works, and what she can do to optimise not only her reproductive health, but whole body health. Lauren sees with her patients the dramatic improvements that can be made to reproductive health through simple, inexpensive, non invasive techniques and firmly believes symptomatic periods and menstrual cycles can be a thing of the past.
Instagram: @laurencurtain
Website: www.laurencurtain.com
Doctor Lee Smith
Doctor Lee Smith has studied Chinese medicine and health from several teachers, and been influenced in natural medicine and Qi gong, from an early age. His gentle nature and devotion to the internal arts, allows him to guide through difficult cases with personal experience, providing a treatment and sound advice that will lead you on the right track to recovery.
Starting massage at home in his teen years, he began professional training in the sunshine coast, with a 2 year Advanced Diploma of Shiatsu massage and acupuncture, which lead to the discovery of his natural talent and calling in life.
Continuing to Melbourne he delved deeper into Chinese Medicine Completing a 4 year bachelor of health science -Chinese medicine (Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine). In addition to undergoing Rigorous Training in the Xing MIng Qi Gong (meditation) System, From His Chinese Qi Gong Master , Master Liu.
Instagram: @lee_smith_natural_soul
Website: https://www.naturalsoultcm.com/

Kimberley Peters
Kimberley is our resident Womb Healer. She specialises in Women's Health with a focused interest in fertility and reproductive health imbalances. She dives deep into her work with passion, sensitivity and empathy, walking with women on their fertility and menstrual health journeys. She understands that to ready our bodies for healing, healthy cycles and hormones, conscious conception and pregnancy, we need to connect into our womb wisdom and nurture our heart to womb connection. Kimberley's work centres around the guiding principle that for women to flourish with optimal health, fertility and menstrual harmony, Womb Medicine needs to play an integral role and is the missing link to the holistic framework of women’s health. Kimberley practices Reproductive Health Massage & Bodywork in Hampton, Melbourne and is completing her studies in Acupuncture and Herbal Chinese Medicine.
Instagram: @_kimberleypeters
Facebook: Kimberley Rachael